There's something to be said for Kitchen Table Wisdom - you know, like in the old days when people sat around the kitchen table after a meal and talked about life, the universe and the meaning of it all - as well as the gossip doing the rounds in town...

Well, that's what this place is - a place to share common wisdom, thoughts and feelings about things important and unimportant, that bring us joy, laughter and happiness and that trouble, sadden, confuse and anger us ...

What I write here is what's 'real' for me. It won't always be PC or 'nice'. We're missing out on true connection and chances to grow and change because there's too little authenticity, too little honesty, too much holding back what we really feel and mean.

Welcome to my world...

I used to have a copyright claim here, but I've removed it...

Ideas don't belong to anyone -

they come to those who are receptive and are to be used for the well being of all...

I find images and movies and music all over the web

and I use them to accent/expand on my thoughts and understandings...

If you feel you have experienced or received something of value in reading my posts,

please consider either:

Giving a Koha/Love Offering Here - Donate with WePay

or paying it forward to those who need

material and emotional/spiritual sustenance in this world...

Thank You

As You Think, So It Is - Your Beliefs Create Your Reality

If your Reality isn't Working for You, Create a New One!

Life Unlimited!


(the Divine in me, recognises and honours the Divine in you)


Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Hero's Journey...

... also known as Self Actualisation...

I have three or four other posts half finished but for no reason that springs readily to mind, it seemed more important to get this one written and published today...

So - what is the purpose of your life on earth, in this dimension, in this version of one of an infinite number of realities?

It's quite simple really; you were born to grow into, unveil, discover, manifest ALL you can possibly be... which, because you are LIFE itself, SOURCE, GOD, is something that's pretty amazing...

And how do you do that?

Well - you go on a hero's journey, just like all of those gods and demigods we find in story-telling/myths in all cultures around the world, the heroes and heroines of the fairy tales ... 

Your life is one epic, macro hero's journey, and at the same time, it's composed of thousands of micro journeys taking place at every moment/point of choice you encounter...

It goes something like this:

  • we're born into a family - a cast of characters in a play... our parents are the king and queen of the castle and we are the prince or princess;

  • something happens to "wound" us... if we had no "wound" to heal there would be no point to this journey/experience in this reality - we need to heal the "wound" to get back to remembering that we are Divine Source... it's part of the paradox -  having to forget to remember!

  • we are banished from the castle/kingdom for some reason... maybe there's a family feud, jealousy, sibling rivalry, we're challenging authority or we just are driven to leave by an immense internal pressure that will not be denied;

  • we wander lost and alone through dark, unknown, scary places, without the usual supports that we used to help keep up the illusion of being comfortable and secure;

  • we encounter demons and dragons - life challenges, our own inner pain, circumstantial hardships -  that we have to slay (overcome) if we want to keep journeying/reach our destination;
  • and we discover the weapons (qualities) we have within us that we can/must use to vanquish the monsters... love, courage, faith, constancy, strength, kindness, humility, fortitude...

  • we conquer the demons and find our own unique treasures - our true selves (though it might not at all look like what we expected 'treasure' to look like!)...

  •  and we return in triumph to the kingdom, welcomed back (like the prodigal son) to take our rightful place as heirs to the throne or to wear our crown as the new king/queen...

and that's what it's all about - both in our own lives and in the journey of humanity!!!

Simple, really!!!

It's just a bummer that all of those gods and goddesses in the Greek legends didn't have to earn their livings, pay mortgages, wash their clothes and take time out to eat or to pee, poop and sleep!!!

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