Friday, August 27, 2010
First Things First....
Lots on my mind, lots happening in the world that feels really urgent, time is speeding up, lots to write about...
Been busy, busy, busy out there, spreading the word and vision about alternative realities and inciting revolt and revolution...
Is that because its my calling, or am I avoiding taking care of my own issues in here?
Physician, heal thyself! Can't save the world if I'm drowning myself... Gotta get my own house in order first....
So, I'm Taking the Pledge NOT TO INVOLVE MYSELF WITH PUBLIC EDUCATION OR OTHER SOCIAL JUSTICE ACTIVITIES (except the issuance of media alerts?) until I've finished moving house, gotten my youngster settled into the new school year, caught up with personal admin, planned and marketed some new classes and secured more speaking engagements and 'paid-to-play' projects...
That includes no more activist postings and commentary on other social media, newspapers and blogs (though maybe I will finally write those open letters to Oprah and to Nick Hanauer that've been in my head for about two years now!).
The world will save itself without/in spite of me - yes it will... really!
And I'll be back here in a couple of weeks when the house moving dust settles...
(given the exceptions to my own rule that I've already created, how long do you think I'll last???)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Passing Through the Eye of the Needle...
Are you ready, and will it hurt?
Buckminster Fuller,
global warming,
Robert Theobald,
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Time to Breathe Again (and Create Your Unlimited Life!)
We'll be discussing what, how and why you think, do and say what you do, what are your expectations of yourself and life and what keeps you from reaching your full potential.
We won't just be sitting around; we'll also use experiential exercises to get to profound, deeply personal understandings.
Here's what other participants have said:
"Breathing with Sahila changed my life. I did breath work with Sahila for several months and after each session, I felt like all the stresses in my life had been offloaded and I could go back into the world with a clear mind. Our sessions together were great. Sahila has a wealth of life knowledge so by talking with her and breathing I was able to shift my thinking about my family, myself and my life path and really become OK with who I AM which allowed me to let others be who they is so freeing! Sahila is an amazing person and anyone who works with her will be better for it." - Michelle
"The 2 hour group breathe with Sahila brought me the understanding and insight of the importance of breathe work. The week following my breathe I felt more energized, more connected to my body, and ...felt like I had undergone a great detox! It has brought awareness of daily breathing to the forefront and I look forward to my next breathe session." - Carrie
"I have done breath work with Sahila years ago in Australia and have learnt so much about staying in the present moment and observing myself doing me. I am only sad that she is overseas and we do not have instant access to this amazing teacher and healer!" - Bronwyn
So, if your life isn't going as well as you'd like and you need new ideas, strategies and tools to change that, come and check out what I have to offer.
Time: 6 - 6.45pm
Location: 5 Focus Fitness,
1009 8th Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109
Cost: $10.00
RSVP: 5 Focus Fitness at 206 631 2818
Sahila at 206 679 1738
Sign Up Online Here
For more information on breath work and the other modalities I offer, see my website:
For more information on breath work and the other modalities I offer, see my website:
And, consider signing up for the next monthly group breathe:
5Focus Fitness
Monday 23 August 2010
Limited to 15 participants
Bring yoga mat, blanket, pillow
Refreshments provided
Speak Nicely and Say Nothing?
I've written many times before that the demand for 'civil discourse' misses the point and is more often than not a demand that people with uncomfortable things to say simply "shut up". See here, from another writer:
" There is an unfortunate tendency to assume that civil discourse has occurred whenever two or more people are nice to each other, say something, and don’t get into an argument. That is misleading on all three counts.
" There is an unfortunate tendency to assume that civil discourse has occurred whenever two or more people are nice to each other, say something, and don’t get into an argument. That is misleading on all three counts.
Civil discourse has not occurred if boundaries have not been crossed.
Civil discourse has not occurred if boundaries that define spaces of sound and spaces of silence have not been recognized and honored.
Where there is no argument, there is no civil discourse.
We must openly disagree if we are to discover what binds us together and what we can accomplish. We must talk to each other in order to disagree. We must speak honestly as well as decently, which means that we may sometimes need to say unpleasant things about each other. And about ourselves."
We must openly disagree if we are to discover what binds us together and what we can accomplish. We must talk to each other in order to disagree. We must speak honestly as well as decently, which means that we may sometimes need to say unpleasant things about each other. And about ourselves."
From: Ahistoricality Blogspot
authentic living,
civil discourse,
truth telling
And You Thought You Were Keeping Your Teeth Healthy & Strong!
We've all been told that flouridation of our water is the best way to preserve our dental health...
But when you stop and think about it, how could putting any toxic substance into your body be good for you?
Worse still, how could putting such poisons into our babies and children be good for them and their growing brains, bones, organs?
Doesn't make sense.... unless there's something else going on....
But when you stop and think about it, how could putting any toxic substance into your body be good for you?
Worse still, how could putting such poisons into our babies and children be good for them and their growing brains, bones, organs?
Doesn't make sense.... unless there's something else going on....
What Are Your Limits?
“Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.”
- Frederick Douglass
"There is a true story from the early 20th century that is told by the great writer Ahmed Amin in his excellent book “A Dictionary of Egyptian Customs and Traditions.” A peasant laborer acquired a vast fortune and bought a large boat, called a dahabia. He bought smart and expensive clothes and sat in his dahabia as it glided across the water. The man who owned the land he worked on, an arrogant and cruel-hearted man, saw him and ordered his workers to storm the dahabia and arrest the peasant. The peasant begged for forgiveness, swearing he would never sail the dahabia again if the landowner thought he had done wrong. The landowner accepted his apology, but then gave orders to his servants, who tied the peasant up and dragged him along he ground until his new clothes were covered with mud and ripped to shreds. Then they started to beat him until his knees, his feet, and his back were bleeding.
To my mind, this story reflects a widespread pattern for the relationship between the despot and his victims.
I remember this lesson when I follow what is happening in Egypt. Generations of Egyptians have grown up in the firm belief that submitting to injustice is wise, and that kowtowing to those in power is the best way to protect oneself from harm. Egyptians have long believed that objecting to the authoritarian system is sheer folly and will never change things for the better, and that those who resist injustice will be detained, tortured, and even killed. Egyptians have believed that coexistence with the authoritarian regime will save them from the harm it can inflict, trusting that the vast apparatus of repression which the state possesses only goes into action to crush those who stand in its way.
But now, perhaps for the first time in decades, Egyptians are waking up to the fact that submission, failing to speak out for justice, and being obsequious towards oppressors will not prevent injustice, but often add to it. Khaled Mohamed Said, the young man who was killed in Alexandria last month, was no political activist and did not belong to any movement aimed to change the regime; in fact he may never in his life have taken part in any demonstration. He was a completely peaceful young Egyptian, dreaming like millions of Egyptians of escaping by any possible means from his oppressive homeland. He was waiting to obtain a U.S. passport like his brothers, so that he could leave Egypt forever.
On the evening of his death, he went to an Internet cafe to pass the time, again like millions of others. He committed no crime and broke no law, but as soon as he went into the cafe two plainclothes policemen pounced on him and without a word started beating him brutally. They banged his head on the edge of the marble table with all their might, dragged him out of the cafe and took him into a nearby building, where they continued to beat him and banged his head against the iron gate of the building until their purpose was fulfilled. Khaled's skull was smashed and he died in front of them.
Regardless of the real reason behind this brutal murder, and regardless also of the successive statements issued by the Ministry of the Interior to justify the crime, all of which have turned out to be untrue, the clear meaning of this murder is that submission is no longer enough to protect Egyptians from repression. Khaled Said was beaten in the same way as young people demonstrating for freedom. Repression in Egypt no longer distinguishes between demonstrators and ordinary people, sitting in cafes and sleeping at home. The brutal murder of Khaled Said and the fact that the killers have escaped punishment plainly indicate that any police officer or any plainclothes detective can kill whomever he wants, and the apparatus of despotism will step in at once to exonerate the killer..."
What will you risk for freedom? Look around you - your freedoms are being taken away, one by one, day by day. We are all economic and social slaves. For how long will you just quietly submit?
Civil Disobedience,
military industrial complex,
truth telling
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Pilobolus perform "Symbiosis"
The Divine Feminine and Masculine: Dancing Life
committed relationships,
real men,
real women,
Friday, August 6, 2010
Slaying Dragons - Pity They're Not All As Easy To Vanquish!
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My son's 7th birthday cake...
He's currently enamoured of dragons... Last year it was dinosaurs and the year before Peter Pan and pirates... I wonder if he's going to be a tilter at windmills and slayer of dragons like his mother?
I hope all his dragons are as peaceable and docile as this one - fierce on the outer and sweet on the inner...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
New: Teaching Session Offered Each Tuesday in Seattle
It's a 45-minute teaching session offered each Tuesday, focusing on the practice and benefits of breath work, and uncovering limiting core beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns of thinking, choice-making and behavior.
We'll be discussing what, how and why you think, do and say what you do, what are your expectations of yourself and life and what keeps you from reaching your full potential.
We won't just be sitting around; we'll also use experiential exercises to get to profound, deeply personal understandings.
So, if your life isn't going as well as you'd like and you need new ideas, strategies and tools to change that, come and check out what I have to offer.
Time: 6 - 6.45pm
Location: 5 Focus Fitness,
1009 8th Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109
Cost: $10.00
RSVP: 5 Focus Fitness at 206 631 2818
Sahila at 206 679 1738
For more information on breath work and the other modalities I offer, see my website:
The Difference Between Strength & Courage
One of my first metaphysical teachers sent me this teaching at Christmas 2001:
It takes STRENGTH to be firm,
It takes COURAGE to be gentle.
It takes STRENGTH to stand guard,
It takes COURAGE to let down your guard.
It takes STRENGTH to conquer,
It takes COURAGE to surrender.
It takes STRENGTH to be certain,
It takes COURAGE to have doubt.
It takes STRENGTH to fit in,
It takes COURAGE to stand out.
It takes STRENGTH to feel a friend's pain,
It takes COURAGE to feel your own pain.
It takes STRENGTH to hide your own pain,
It takes COURAGE to show it.
It takes STRENGTH to endure abuse,
It takes COURAGE to stop it.
It takes STRENGTH to stand alone,
It takes COURAGE to lean on another.
It takes STRENGTH to survive,
It takes COURAGE to LIVE...
Little did I know when I received this in the post, that in a few short months I would begin a 7-year journey where I would learn to live this teaching...
It takes STRENGTH to be firm,
It takes COURAGE to be gentle.
It takes STRENGTH to stand guard,
It takes COURAGE to let down your guard.
It takes STRENGTH to conquer,
It takes COURAGE to surrender.
It takes STRENGTH to be certain,
It takes COURAGE to have doubt.
It takes STRENGTH to fit in,
It takes COURAGE to stand out.
It takes STRENGTH to feel a friend's pain,
It takes COURAGE to feel your own pain.
It takes STRENGTH to hide your own pain,
It takes COURAGE to show it.
It takes STRENGTH to endure abuse,
It takes COURAGE to stop it.
It takes STRENGTH to stand alone,
It takes COURAGE to lean on another.
It takes STRENGTH to survive,
It takes COURAGE to LIVE...
Little did I know when I received this in the post, that in a few short months I would begin a 7-year journey where I would learn to live this teaching...
Chill Out - Take Time & Enjoy the Ride
A lot of my inspiration lately has been about stepping into power, questions as to whether or not evil exists (it doesn't!), 'rules are for fools and guidelines are for the wise', and whether or not being in a place of compassion includes taking an activist, confrontational role in the world (it does - see Gandhi and Mandela and Jesus)...
I might start today with the idea that each of us are presented with the answers as we need them. Some of us are in a hurry to get from A to B, to complete the journey and we demand solutions immediately and think we are failing if we don't get them.
But as Rainer Maria Rilke says:
"Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer."
I might start today with the idea that each of us are presented with the answers as we need them. Some of us are in a hurry to get from A to B, to complete the journey and we demand solutions immediately and think we are failing if we don't get them.
But as Rainer Maria Rilke says:
"Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer."
and this:
"Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave... Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.”
Sunday, August 1, 2010
George Carlin - Bitter Old Cynic or Fearless Truth Teller?
George Carlin's ‘Final Words to the World’: ”It’s called the American Dream because you would have to be asleep to believe it”...
Can you really say he's wrong about all this? I can't, though I wish desperately that I could...
billionaire boys club,
Counting for Nothing,
George Carlin,
military industrial complex,
truth telling
Despicable & Grotesque Brainwashing of Our Most Precious Treasure & Resource: War Games Lure Recruits For 'Real Thing'
"A controversial Army Experience Center in a northeast Philadelphia shopping mall will soon close its doors after a two-year pilot program. With regard to its military outreach efforts, the multimillion-dollar facility has declared "mission accomplished," but opponents question the Army's version of reality...
...At the center, teenage boys sit in a row of Army-green recliners facing flat-screen monitors. They square off in video war games like the popular Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Once visitors register and prove they're 13 years or older, they're given free access to the facility's array of war-themed games...
...John Gallato, 18, and three of his 15-year-old friends sit atop the Army vehicle eagerly waiting for their mission to begin. With a lifelike machine gun in hand, Gallato says experiences like this will help prepare him for the future.
"I'm going to be killing people," he says. "I'm actually joining the Marines and will be doing this in real life."
When they get the green light, the four teens begin maneuvering through virtual war zones and shooting at targets while dodging bullets themselves.
These simulated war experiences have met with strong opposition. Combat veteran Staff Sgt. Jesse Hamilton says the Army has sanitized the horrors of combat.
"The heat, people screaming, blood, flies, horrible smells, smoke in your eyes stinging, sand — the list goes on and on — and they've taken all of that out," he says. "What they've effectively left is what they consider to be the 'fun' part."
Demonstrators have voiced opposition to the Army Experience Center in Philadelphia throughout the two years the pilot program has been operating.
Kathy Leary, of the BuxMont Coalition for Peace Action, says war is not a game. "We've heard kids come out of the Army Experience Center saying, 'They're really showing me what war is really like' — and obviously that's not what war is really like. There's no reset button in war."
...At the center, teenage boys sit in a row of Army-green recliners facing flat-screen monitors. They square off in video war games like the popular Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Once visitors register and prove they're 13 years or older, they're given free access to the facility's array of war-themed games...
...John Gallato, 18, and three of his 15-year-old friends sit atop the Army vehicle eagerly waiting for their mission to begin. With a lifelike machine gun in hand, Gallato says experiences like this will help prepare him for the future.
"I'm going to be killing people," he says. "I'm actually joining the Marines and will be doing this in real life."
When they get the green light, the four teens begin maneuvering through virtual war zones and shooting at targets while dodging bullets themselves.
These simulated war experiences have met with strong opposition. Combat veteran Staff Sgt. Jesse Hamilton says the Army has sanitized the horrors of combat.
"The heat, people screaming, blood, flies, horrible smells, smoke in your eyes stinging, sand — the list goes on and on — and they've taken all of that out," he says. "What they've effectively left is what they consider to be the 'fun' part."

Kathy Leary, of the BuxMont Coalition for Peace Action, says war is not a game. "We've heard kids come out of the Army Experience Center saying, 'They're really showing me what war is really like' — and obviously that's not what war is really like. There's no reset button in war."
As a former military wife of 18 years and the mother of a son currently serving in the New Zealand Army who spent six months in Afghanistan recently, I think I have the right to say this completely sucks...
We need to be moving towards educating for peace, not brainwashing our young people to prepare them to go and kill in any country's name...
Is Civil Disobedience Compassion in Action?
What are your responsibilities as an "awake and aware" social activist?
For a while now, I've been impatient with, and frustrated by, what I see as wishy-washy responses to what's going on in the world by people who claim to be compassionate social activists...
These people criticise my perspectives and actions, saying there's no place for anger in creating a peaceful future. They suggest that giving energy to the negative will increase it and that focusing on the positive will undo all that is so damaging in our world.
I can't buy into that attitude/belief system.

In my opinion, those who say we should concentrate on the positive are in denial about what is really going on; they're overwhelmed by the imbalance in the world and are too scared to confront it. If they did really face it, what would that require them to DO? Would they be required to put it all on the line, risk losing their place on the ladder if they really named what is going on? If we name it and label it as unjust, don't we then have to own our complicity in the status quo, stop enabling, stop participating in the system that's creating and continuing this imbalance?
So how far should we go, then, in confronting injustice in our society?
The Occupation of U.S. Public Schools: Kids as Cannon Fodder & Consumers

Major press throughout the country printed the story, echoing the concern that so many 17-24 year olds are unfit for military service today and that in the future it could mean “a limited pool (of potential recruits) will hold back our military readiness and erode our national security in the long run.”

To this end, Mission Readiness promoted the Early Learning Challenge Fund. It was included in the Zero-to-Five Initiative (that’s “zero to five” years of age) of President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Request. Congress was lobbied for support state-by-state and the House of Representatives passed the initiative in the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act last September; it currently awaits passage in the Senate. The money is not for actual program. The strategy is to shift who has control of public education beginning with children in the tender years and continuing through high school.

Kenneth Saltman, Associate Professor of Social and Cultural Foundations in Education at DePaul University, stated: “Within this corporatized view of educational leadership found in venture philanthropy, military leadership is celebrated for its alleged link with corporate management—a focus on discipline, order and enforcement of mandates through a hierarchy at every level of public schooling.” (Kenneth J. Saltman and David Gabbard, Education as Enforcement: the Militarization and Corporatization of Schools, New York: Routledge 2003.)

Los Angeles billionaire Eli Broad, who made a fortune through residential home building, and the insurance and financial products corporations SunAmerica and AIG, is regarded as the foremost practitioner of venture philanthropy in education reform. He created the Broad Center for the Management of School Systems to carry out its agendas—placing corporate executives and military officers who are not educators—in charge of public school administrations, and indoctrinating administers who are already in the school system into its methods nationwide.
By 2010, graduates from the Broad Superintendents Academy held 68 superintendent positions and 88 senior school district executive positions across the country. Last year, 43 percent of all large urban school districts that conducted external searches for new superintendents filled their positions with graduates of the academy.
It isn’t any wonder then that the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation, which operates these programs on school reform, sees things moving in the direction it desires. Its 2009/2010 report states: “The election of President Barack Obama and his appointment of Arne Duncan, former CEO of Chicago Public Schools, as the U.S. Secretary of Education marked the pinnacle of hope for our work in education reform. In many ways, we feel the stars have finally aligned. With an agenda that echoes our decade of investments—charter schools, performance pay for teachers, accountability, expanded learning time and national standards—the Obama administration is poised to cultivate and bring to fruition the seeds we and other reformers have planted.”
Military infiltration and control of public schools figure prominently in this scenario. Of the 14 members of the Broad Superintendent Class of 2010, (They keep their current jobs and attend “class” training for ten months at specific times throughout the year.) four are high-ranking military: the former Chief of Operations, NATO Afghan Operations; the Director of the Office of Economic and Manpower Analysis for the United States Military Academy; the Commanding General of the United States Army Human Resources Command; and the Director of the Human Performance Resource Center for the United States Army. The class of 2009 included the Commanding General of 10th Mountain Division and Joint Task Force of 25,000 U.S. military in Afghanistan.
The education “reform” movement has so permeated our national culture that it now forms the framework of discussions about education—often in glowing terms. Both the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Minneapolis’s Star Tribune referred to the selection of the new St. Paul School Superintendent for training at what they call the “prestigious” Broad Supervisor’s Academy. Although the new superintendent is an educator qualified for other reasons, the Pioneer Press called her experience at the Broad school “something the School Board could hardly overlook when they were choosing candidates.”
Several top officials in New York City’s Department of Education were trained at the Broad program but a chemistry teacher complains, “My district can’t provide working heat, light, or running water for my under-equipped lab, but we pay hundreds of thousands to the consulting businesses he (Eli Broad) promotes.” She goes on to state: “The real drive behind his manipulations is the marketing plan for the useless ‘services’ and products provided (at public expense) for his for-profit entrepreneurial ‘partners.’ Edubusiness entrepreneurs hide under a layer of fake nonprofits set by ‘philanthropists’ like Broad and Gates.” (Gotham Schools at"... from:
If this doesn't have you in complete outrage about what's going on in the US and in education, what will?
And if you do find this morally indefensible, what are you going to do about it?
Hands Off Our Mother!
Unproven scientific ‘fixes’ for global warming are a major threat to the planet...
"It used to be that ‘stepping lightly on the planet’ was considered common sense for addressing global warming, but a brash new breed of planet-savers has a more heavy-handed suggestion. Since action on reducing greenhouse gases is proving ineffective, they argue, it might soon be necessary to deliver Mother Earth a huge technological smack in the climate system. For her own good, of course.
Welcome to the concept of geoengineering – large-scale schemes that propose manipulating planetary systems to counteract global warming. Humans have inadvertently altered the global environment before, but geoengineering differs in that it brings intentionality to messing with our planet. Geoengineering proposals range from dumping iron in the ocean to grow CO2-gobbling plankton, to polluting the upper atmosphere with sulphur particles to mimic large volcanoes. Such volcanoes have occasionally cooled down the atmosphere before. Unfortunately, they can also cause monsoons to weaken and fail, intensifying hunger in the tropics.
Sounds risky and dangerous? Of course it is. Seductive to policymakers? Yes, that too. But as billionaire airline tycoon Richard Branson baldly told the press last year: ‘If we could come up with a geoengineering answer to this problem… we could carry on flying our planes and driving our cars.’"... from:
Why is it always men who think of these "solutions" but can't see the disastrous consequences?
Do they have such a deep hate of the sacred feminine that they can seriously consider these measures as 'problem solving'?
The Dalai Lama and indigenous elders all say the solutions the world needs will come from women - maybe you have to be able to have a child/give birth to really understand and value life?
Will the US Follow New Zealand & Australia & Recognise First Peoples' Rights?
In finally announcing its support for the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples, New Zealand has acknowledged that indigenous people must have full freedom to use their lands and resources as they wish.
The Declaration calls for states to acknowledge indigenous peoples’ right to self-determination and demands that private interests obtain ‘free, prior and informed consent’ for use of indigenous land for commercial and development purposes. will the US follow suit?
Its Been a While...
Well... its been nearly a month since I last posted... something to do with it being summer, birthdays (mine and my son's), daughter visiting on her way back to Australia from Istanbul, personal stuff, public education/school district activism and focusing on growing my business/practice - there's still the rent to pay, groceries to buy, utilities to keep from getting cut off, petrol for the car blah, blah, blah...
Why aren't we at the point described in one of the Star Trek movies where everyone's basic needs are provided for because we have the resources and technology to do that? Buckminster Fuller talked about that in the 60s and Robert Theobald proposed a full unemployment society a decade or more ago.
An NPR report today focused on the possibility of teleportation:
Don't get me wrong - I was so excited to see the report. I thought - "wow, its about time" - because I've always thought that anything we can imagine already exists in some other place/time and if its all about frequencies, we only need to resonate at the same frequency to bring it into our here and now... Shamans and mystics have been doing that for eons.
But I also thought: if we're working on that, why can't we be working on a new socio-economic system that solves the problems we face in the world - population issues, health, education, housing, clean water, the environment, conflict, poverty, debt, sustainability, not enough work to go around, failure to treasure the arts and anything which doesn't contribute to GDP/GNP...
Its so depressing to think that until capitalism has completely sucked the lifeblood out of this planet, our mother, and all of her living inhabitants, until the skies are grey and the seas are black and the land is dry, devoid of trees and infertile - we will not find the will to live differently....
Would it be such a loss if our species went extinct? Really, we're just fleas on an elephant's back. The day we finally step irreversibly, irretrievably over the line, Gaia would maybe just do a huge shrug and throw us off. Gaia would survive, repair herself and thrive, as James Lovelock thinks
And because energy can only be transmuted, not created or destroyed, the individual and collective 'energy' that is each of us and all of us would surely manifest in another form somewhere else in this awesome creation called LIFE...
Buckminster Fuller,
economic systems,
Robert Theobald,
social systems,
Star Trek,
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